About the Akashic Records


The Akashic Records are an energetic record of every thought, emotion and action that has ever occurred in the universe, and these records exist and can be accessed through an extended dimension of consciousness. While this may sound mystical in nature, it aligns with the principles of quantum physics that have completely recontextualized our scientific perspective and understanding of the universe and how it functions. This expanded perspective of the universe dramatically expands on what we previously thought was possible, and the Akashic Records and our ability to access these records for guidance and understanding on our personal journeys is a powerful example of this. 

There is a profound healing quality to an Akashic Records, both through the content of the information received, as well as through the energetic transmission that occurs during a reading. This is similar to the energy healing that happens during a reiki session, and this results in the healing effect of the session going far beyond the content of the information received in response to the questions you ask, which is deeply helpful, guiding and therapeutic as well. 

How to Create Your Questions


I recommend having a list of 5 - 10 questions prepared for your session, while at the same time keeping an open mind to explore what may come up during a session. These sessions are intended to help guide your journey in this life, so how you phrase your questions has a big impact on the answers you receive. Below are some tips and a list of sample questions that you are welcome to use as you prepare the list of questions for your session. 

Avoid Yes or No Questions
Yes or No questions are limited in nature, and limit the nature of the response you can receive. Consider focusing instead on questions that deepen your understanding of a situation, or provide guidance with navigating a situation. In any given situation, the decision to choose Yes or No is ultimately up to you as part of your free will, and while the Akashic Records can deepen your understanding of a situation and empower you to help make a decision, it cannot make the decision for you. 

Avoid Time & Outcome Based Questions
Avoid starting a question with “when” as this doesn’t align with the dimensional quality of the Akashic Records, which aren’t limited by time. In regards to questions about specific future outcomes, decisions made by you and others can shift timelines tied to specific potentials. Using the Akashic Records to deepen your understanding of a situation will help you navigate your journey and the situations which arise, which will lead you to the outcomes for your highest good.

Focus on How, What & Why
Rooting your questions in the energy of how, what and why creates the space for the Akashic Records to deliver answers that provide meaningful guidance and understanding around your journey and experience.



What is my soul's purpose during this lifetime?

What are my main lessons during this lifetime?

What abilities and skills should I focus on developing to help me achieve my purpose?

How can I best share my gifts and talents with others?


Where are my biggest opportunities to heal?

What can I do to better support my physical health and well being?

What lessons exist regarding my relationship with my own body?

What is my present ailment or injury of ______________ trying to teach me?

How can I heal a the issue of ___________ with my physical body?

Where are my opportunities to heal emotionally?

How can I heal and release the trauma of ______________ in my life?

What is causing me to feel _____________ and how can I heal this? What am I meant to learn from this?

Where are my limiting beliefs that are holding me back?

Why am I fearful about _____________?


What is the challenge of _____________ trying to teach me?

How can I better deal with and resolve the challenge of _____________?

What am I misperceiving about the challenge of _____________?

What options have I overlooked regarding solving the challenge of _____________?


What is the purpose of my relationship with ______________?

What actions can I take to heal my relationship with _____________?

What lessons do I have with __________________ in my family?

What can I do cultivate the conditions for a romantic relationship in my life?

What lessons and learning about myself do I have in the relationship with _____________?


Do I have any blocks with my relationship with money?

What can I do to strengthen my relationship with money and bring more financial freedom into my life?

What's limiting me from manifesting greater abundance?

Is my current work aligned with my passion and highest good?

Am I pursuing my current work for the approval of others or another limiting reason?

How can I find more fulfillment and enjoyment in my work?

What is stopping me from pursuing my dreams and passions?

How do I underestimate myself?

How can I improve my relationship with my boss?

How do I approach the challenge of ______________ in my work?

Is my work and career aligned with my purpose and highest good?


Do I have any gifts or talents that I'm presently unaware of?

How can develop my gifts and talents to better serve others and my own path?

What could be blocking me from accessing my gifts and abilities?

What am I misunderstanding about my spiritual path?

What actions should I consider taking to invite more personal growth in my life?

What actions should I consider taking to invite more spiritual growth in my life?

How can I deepen my connection with my spirituality?